Saturday, 21 June 2014

Doctor Who Legacy: The Ninth Doctor

The Ninth Doctor's portrait costume in Doctor Who Legacy!
After only one TV series and six novels the world thought that there would be no new adventures for the Ninth Doctor. The 50th Anniversary year, however, brought us a new short story, a new audio adventure and a stunning mobile game which all feature the Ninth Doctor!

Ninth Doctor

Level List: Paradox of the Zygons (Season 5, 100% Drop), [Easy] Daleks at the Rift (Fan Area, 100% Costume Drop), [Medium] Daleks at the Rift (Fan Area, 100% Costume Drop), [Hard] Daleks at the Rift (Fan Area, 100% Costume Drop), 

Rank:                     HP:                 Attack:                     Heal:
    2                     222-714              169-434                    88-199
    3                     714-1798            434-1076                  199-450
    4                     1798-2764          1076-1789                450-688

Ability: Air From My Lungs (Increases 15% heal from pink gems for one turn - Rank 2: 25 combos; Rank 3: 30 combos; Rank 4: 25 combos) and Everybody Lives (Heal allies for % of max. HP - Rank 2: 30%, 50 combos; Rank 3: 50%, 60 combos; Rank 4: 70%, 60 combos).
Costumes:  9  9 Regen  9th Doctor 

Ninth Doctor +

Level List: Angels (Expert Pack, 100% Drop)

Rank:                     HP:                 Attack:                     Heal:
    1                     126-274              42-141                      15-77
    2                     307-716              162-435                    91-261
    3                     783-1454            479-927                    288-568
    4                     1557-2498          995-1622                  611-1003

Ability: Air From My Lungs (Increases 15% heal from pink gems for one turn - Rank 1: 25 combos; Rank 2: 20 combos; Rank 3: 25 combos; Rank 4: 20 combos) and Everybody Lives (Heal allies for % of max. HP - Rank 1: 20%, 40 combos; Rank 2: 40%, 50 combos; Rank 3: 60%, 55 combos; Rank 4: 80%, 60 combos).

Costume: 9 +


I have teamed up with Tiny Rebel Games, creators of Doctor Who Legacy, to offer you the chance to win a copy of the Ninth Doctor's regeneration costume plus an extra Time Crystal! This costume is currently exclusive to the fan area and this may be your only chance to get it without paying! If you would like it and don't win you can still buy your way into the fan area, get your hands on a copy and support the game all at the same time!

How to Enter: All you have to do is re-tweet a notice about the competition and follow @DoctorWhoUG on Twitter to try and get your hands on this elusive costume! Five winners will randomly be selected from everyone who enters. You have until Wednesday 25th of June 2014 to enter so get re-tweeting!

Friday, 20 June 2014

Series 1 (Season 27) Round-Up

The Doctor and Rose back when the journey began!
Under the guidance of Russell T Davies Doctor Who returned to TV with a successful first series, but who were the main cast and what are the scores?

Featuring: The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston, Episodes 1-13), Rose (Billie Piper, Episodes 1-13), Jackie (Camille Coudri, Episodes 1-2, 4-5, 8, 12-13), Mickey (Noel Clarke, Episodes 1, 4-5, 11-13), Adam (Bruno Langley, Episodes 6-7), Captain Jack (John Barrowman, Episodes 9-13) and The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant, Episode 13)

Episode List:                                                                     Score:
The End of the World..........................................................10/20
The Unquiet Dead...............................................................13.5/20
Aliens of London/World War Three.....................................8/20
The Long Game..................................................................12/20
Father's Day.......................................................................15/20
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances..................................13/20
Boom Town.......................................................................7.5/20
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways......................................15/20
An average score with important episodes impacting well. Due to the high scoring episodes being double parters and low scoring Slitheen episodes dropping below double digits the overall score is dragged down.

Wikipedia -
Official Site -

Monday, 16 June 2014

Series 1 (Season 27), Episodes 12 +13: Bad Wolf & The Parting of the Ways

The Controller knows all, but what about the blog?
It's finally time; Doctor Who's return to television with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor has been a spectacular success but one thing still has to be cleared up. Eccleston has decided to leave the series after only one season and the plan to keep it a secret has been spoilt when the BBC leaked the information about his departure. Before Eccleston even reached the telly it was announced that David Tennant would take up the role of the Doctor for the 2005 Christmas special onwards. John Barrowman exits the show during the finale of Series 1 until his return in later series and, of course, during spin off series Torchwood. The episodes draw heavily upon previous stories in the series with the 'previously' trailer at the beginning of Bad Wolf comprising completely of clips from The Long Game (Episode 7).

Synopsis: The Doctor, Rose and Jack all wake up to find themselves inside game shows - deadly game shows. Classics such as Big Brother, The Weakest Link and What Not To Wear become death traps for any randomly selected contestant! Then the Doctor breaks out, along with "Lynda with a Y" (Jo Joyner), they investigate the mysterious goings on inside what turns out to be Satellite 5, one hundred years in the future! When Rose is disintegrated, the Doctor, Jack and Lynda find themselves on a revenge mission which leads them to floor 500, the base of operations. The Doctor meets the Controller who reveals to him that the Daleks are behind the game station's hidden plot and are converting humans into Daleks! The Doctor thought the Daleks were wiped out in the Time War, but, now they're not, the war must continue...

Featuring: The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston), Rose (Billie Piper), Captain Jack (John Barrowman), Mickey (Noel Clarke), Jackie (Camille Coudri) and The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant)

Enemies: Daleks, Anne-Droid, Trin-E, Zu-zana and The Emperor Dalek

Afterthought: The episodes gives a dramatic and exciting conclusion to the series. It however feels filled with plot holes and a few filler scenes which don't add to the episode. The Daleks were once again on fine form and the other robots within the episode successfully showed off the production team's handy work. Eccleston was at perfection all the way through however Rose found herself in a few over clichéd moments!

Story: 3.5/5, Plot holes a plenty but with a brilliant story overall.
Effects: 4/5, Spectacular regeneration, more problems with Dalek's moving parts.
Humour: 3/5, Funny moments.
Mark Campbell: 4.5/5, Everything ends, I just wish he would...

Wikipedia - and
Official Site - and
David Tennant here we come! Next Time: Series 1 (Season 27) Roundup
Parting of the Ways.jpg
The Doctor confronts the 'god' of the Daleks!